【6日目】Development of WordPress themes feels like a memory game


I'm learning well!

I'm learning well with the notebook I wrote in the previous article!

I studied important parts steadily. Concretely, header.php, home.php, and footer.php.

Although I learned with only three files, I was getting an understanding of how to work with WordPress Themes.

For example, there are many functions for WordPress, and create various features using that.

The understanding of WordPress's special functions - WordPress Loop, Action hook, and Action Filter - is progressing.

Writing that code may be challenging, yet...

Also, I'm getting to learn knowledge about something other than WordPress.

For example, the class name is described as . and the id name is described as # in CSS files, and so on.

It may be very elementary stuff. I'm getting to learn steadily.

Development of WordPress themes feels like a memory game

In processing learning, developing WordPress themes felt like a memory game.

Because if I knew how to use all WordPress functions, I would develop WordPress Themes easily. I thought.

Almost what I don't understand is the meanings of functions or arguments.

But I learn those easily by Googling it. I can read source code to do that even now.

I thought that development was easier than I expected.

First, I tried understanding how to run with the WordPress Theme 'Stinger3'. But, I might write code after some understanding.

I want to keep learning with thinking about what I should do.

Thank you!